Feedback/Questions: Residents can provide feedback and ask questions about upcoming and past events by emailing
A traffic management plan will be in place for the below gamedays, which include road and closures and parking restrictions.
Due to the large crowds anticipated at these events, the Ninja Stadium Traffic Management Plan will be implemented. These safety measures are in place to ensure safety and security of players and patrons of the event, as well as residents and users of the area. As such, your cooperation with police and traffic management staff is appreciated when accessing and egressing the area.
The following streets will be subject to road closures for general traffic on each event day:
· Park Street (entire length between Scott and Derwent Streets)
· Church Street (entire length between Scott and Beach Streets)
· Derwent Street (between Douglas Street and the entrance to the beach car park)
Residents in these streets are allowed access as will DDA parking permit holders and service vehicles. Please see below the road closure map and DDA parking areas.
Click here for a full copy of our Traffic Management Plan